Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Joy to the World

Two thousand years ago in a little town called Bethlehem a birth occurred that would forever shape the world. In the town of Bethlehem was born a little child name Jesus. Jesus was born in a destitute situation. Born among animals to a virgin mother and a father, who was a carpenter. To the world this birth would seem insignificant. No child born in this kind of situation could amount to much and wouldn't be able to change Judea let alone the whole world. But this was the most significant birth ever.

Little did the world know how much of a role Jesus had already played in their history. Little did the world know that thirty-three years from the birth of Jesus would occur the most important event in all the eternities. The birth of the baby Jesus had been looked forward to for millenia. When He came all history was marked from His birth and even today we look forward to His coming again. Everything in our world revolves around this baby, who was born in a stable. But why is He so important?

The first man, Adam and the first woman, Eve both looked forward to the coming of Jesus Christ. Because of their transgression in the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve had fallen. Man was now vulnerable to sin and to physical death. Because of sin man was separated from God and could not on his own pay the price needed to return to God. But our Heavenly Father knowing that the Fall was essential for the growth of man had already provided a way for the redemption of mankind. That way was through His Son, Jesus Christ.

From Adam on down the prophets and followers of God testified of Christ and preached of Christ. They looked forward to the coming of Christ knowing that He must come. The prophet Nephi wrote about Christ so that future generations might know that Christ would come to redeem mankind (2 Nephi 25:26). Can it be too big of a surprise that at the birth of the Son of God that angels appeared to herald the birth? (Luke 2:8-14) Or that a star appeared in the sky and made the night as day? (3 Nephi 1:15) Or that wise men came bearing kingly gifts? (Matthew 2:1-12) It is not when the mission of the Babe is laid before us as it so clearly is in the scriptures.

For the next thirty-three years the Son of God worked in the flesh among the children of men. He performed miracles, the greatest of sermons, and went about doing good to everyone that He met. Yet His own people reject Him and crucified Him. It would appear that the Son of God had failed His mission based on earthly means. He established no earthly kingdom (John 18:36), didn't deliver Judea from Roman oppression, and was killed (John 19:30). But the death of Christ wasn't the end of His mission, it was just part of the greatest event in history, the Atonement. For on the third day after His death Christ rose from the tomb and signaled the defeat of death and sin. He had paid the price for every sin ever committed by mankind. Because He did this man was now able to live again and to be freed from the guilt and suffering that comes with sin. Man was now redeemed.

The mission of Jesus Christ continues today as He continues to strengthen us and allow us to do all things (Phillipians 4:13). We can look to Christ and know that everything will be okay as long as we live the Gospel in our lives and gain faith in Him. To gain a testimony is simple is to read, pray, and then act. That is the message of Christmas as we approach this time of the year. So remember that over two thousand years ago a little baby was born in a stable and that because of Him we can all be happy.

Follow the link to learn more about the birth of Christ.

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