Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Power of the Scriptures

Growing up one of my favorite hymns to sing in Primary was "Scripture Power". I can remember singing the song and every time the words "Scripture Power" were sung I would thrust my scripture case into the air. I loved the song as a child and I still love it as a young adult. If given the chance to sing "Scripture Power" again I would find myself still thrusting my scriptures into the air. But this song also teaches a very powerful lesson about how we can receive strength as we read our scriptures.

As I have admitted before I haven't always been the best at reading my scriptures. Often times I would read a verse or two from the Book of Mormon or from the Bible and just find myself wanting to quit. They didn't seem that exciting and they were also super long and written in a form of English I didn't understand too well.

But as I have gotten older I have come to see the importance of the scriptures more and more in my life. I have always had a deep love of history esp
ecially the history of warfare. I can remember my mom urging me to read the scriptures because they told the history of ancient people and their battles. I can remember that this intrigued me and for a time I sought out the passages where warfare took place. But the more I read into these chapters the more interested I became in learning more from the other chapters. I began reading the stories of prophets who boldly testified of the coming of Jesus Christ and taught how we could come unto Him.

As I read more about these prophets I began to see that their central message was to testify of Jesus Christ and that he was going to come to the world and redeem mankind. I learned this as I read about the prophets like Moses, Elijah, Alma, and Mosiah. Every single one of them testified of Christ and His coming. These prophets also were inspired to write these things down so we would know about Christ and all that He does for us. These writing are what make up the Bible and the Book of Mormon and they both act as witnesses of Christ.

The more I read the writings of these prophets the more I learned. From Alma, an ancient prophet in the Americas, I learned that Christ would come and suffer for the sins of man. So none of us would have to die or pay the full price for our sins. From Christ Himself I was able to learn that God loves all of His children and so He sent His Son to earth so we could live again. All of these are amazing messages that I would have no idea about if they hadn't been written down.

Since that time when I started reading from the scriptures I have learned many important lessons in my life and received peace that could only come from God. I truly have received power from the Scriptures. Power that has helped to enrich my life and make me happy and I know that this happiness can be found by anyone who takes the time just to open the scriptures.

Read from the scriptures. Learn about Christ's mortal ministry in the Bible and how He came to redeem mankind. Read the Book of Mormon and learn how Christ visited the people in the Americas and how they knew He was the Christ. Many lessons will be learned, your life will be blessed, and you will receive "Scripture Power". I can promise that in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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