Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Not Forsaken in Lakeview

On my mission there are a lot of things that I have learned to go without. Two of those things are friends and family. For two years I don't get to see them or really talk to them. Of course there is the weekly email home and the occasional letter. But mostly there is very little contact with the people I knew before my mission. At the beginning of my mission there were times where I felt lonely and sometimes even abandoned.

One of the times when I felt almost completely helpless was a gloomy September day in the town of Lakeview. I had just received my second missionary companion and the two of us were at very low lows. We had spent most of the previous week trying to talk with and visit people. Unfortunately we did not see very much success during that time. I can remember feeling frustrated and upset. Because of how upset I was I missed my home and my friends. I knew that if I could just see some of my friends that everything would be better. But being in Lakeview, Oregon I knew that there was no way I could see my friends.

So my companion and I trudged along through the day just trying to make the best of our situation. That night we went to some ward members' house for dinner. When we showed up my companion and I were greeted by the members who were watching the Women's session of General Conference.The wife apologized for having the TV on, but said that since she couldn't make it into Klamath Falls to watch the session with the stake that the only way she could watch it was on TV. She asked us if it was okay to leave the TV running and my companion and I consented.

So the four of us sat down to dinner while the session of General Conference played. As the session progressed we listened to some very good speakers. Then the choir arose to sing and I paid special attention to the choir as it was announced that the choir was made up of Sister missionaries from the Missionary Training Center. To my great joy I saw one of my best friends in the choir. It had been several months since I had seen her. I was so excited because I had missed her a lot and here I was watching her on TV. All of the depression and sadness I had been feeling that day just melted away. I felt good and at the moment I felt as if I could make it through the rest of my mission.

I soon wrote my friend and told her of this experience. She wrote back and shared with me that she had felt as if getting into the choir had been a small miracle. She had been an alternate in the choir and hadn't expected to be able to go and participate in the session. But at the last minute a seat had opened up and my friend had been allowed to go. I was amazed when she told me this and I began to see how much of a miracle my whole experience was.

I thought to myself how could all of these things have fallen into place so perfectly? What were the chances that a member from Lakeview would not be able to make it to Klamath, especially on the night the missionaries were coming over for dinner? Then what were the chances that out of the thousands of Sister missionaries at the MTC that my friend would make the choir? Then what were the chances that even as an alternate that she would make it? The chance of all these things happening all on the same day in such a short span of time isn't very good. Yet they all happened and that is because they were all orchestrated by a loving Heavenly Father.

From this experience I really came to see that God is mindful of His children. That even with all of His concerns and problems He has He took the time to help out one of His sons who was in Lakeview, Oregon. I now know that God will move Heaven and Earth to make us happy and to show His love to us. So if times are dark remember your Father and keep strong in your faith in Him. He will not forsake you, but will deliver you from your trials.

Me and my companion.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Good Sister

I can still remember the fights that I had with my oldest sister when the two of us were growing up. To win every fight she had with me she would sit on top of me until I conceded and told her that she was right and I was wrong. These fights occurred often and I never once got close to beating her. Even when I finally got bigger than her, my sister always had a way of defeating me physically or of just pointing out flaws in my arguments. 

I have always kind of secretly admired my sister. She always seemed to be able to do everything right. She was smart, beautiful, and fast. Her achievements include being student body president, leading her cross country team to a Region Championship, being a Sterling Scholar, and receiving full ride scholarships at every university she applied at. She was just good at everything she did. 

I remember trying to emulate her success during my high school years. But my attempts at winning a Region Championship, being a Sterling Scholar, and running for Student Government just did not end as well. I can remember thinking why had I not been able to do the things my sister had done? I thought I was just as talented. But somehow I just couldn't do the things that she had done. 

Even as she continued to grow my sister still saw success in everything she did. When she got married in college, she still found time to finish her degree in English, have a full time job, student teach, and then give birth to her first child. There was nothing to stop this girl. Then afterwards she has continued her success and is currently raising two wonderful children in a nice home in Colorado with her awesome husband. 

My goal has always been to be like my sister and to this day I still want to try to do a lot of the things she has done. But like I said before I have not had too much success trying to do the things she did. My high school years were a struggle for me and were not filled with great achievements. For the longest time I could not figure out why. But as I have talked to my sister and paid more attention to her life I have come to see what the difference truly is. The difference is that she puts Christ first in her life. 

My sister has plenty of talents and abilities, but the thing that has made her so good at everything she tries to do is that she loves Jesus. In high school she always went to seminary and was even on seminary council. Then when she went off to college she made sure that she still read her scriptures and went to church even without anyone telling her that she needed to do those things. Even now that she is married she makes sure to teach her young children about Christ. My sister makes sure that those kids know who is most important in their lives. Because of all this time my sister has spent trying to put God first she has received blessings in her life. 

Now I'm trying to change my life and make it more like my sister's. Because she found the secret to success in life. She knows to "seek ...first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all other things will be added unto you." (3 Nephi 13:33). This principle that my sister tries so hard to live truly does bring blessings. I have seen those blessings start to come into my life as I've tried to put Christ first by keeping His commandments. I now know from personal experience that these blessings are not just for me, but for everybody. So let us all put Christ first.
My Sister and her happy family.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Growing Pains In Lakeview

It has now been a very long since I served as a missionary in the small town of Lakeview. It seems though as if it was only a few weeks ago that me and my companion were walking the streets of the "tallest town" in Oregon. Those were fun times. Times at which I exuded confidence every pore, times when I wasn't too sure of myself, and times where I knew serving a mission was the greatest thing for my life. There was a lot of growing that I did in Lakeview.

When I arrived in Lakeview I was fresh out of Utah. A kid who was only nineteen years old, who was so shy that I had been known in college to drop classes just to avoid people. I was not too sure of myself. Plus on top of that I was in a town of 2,500 people that was two hours away from the closest city. As absurd as it seems this little town in the middle of nowhere intimidated me to no end.

I can remember those first few weeks in Lakeview being tough. I tried my hardest to figure out just what I was doing as a missionary.Talking to people did not come easily for me. To make things worse people were polite, but "not interested". I often wondered why was I out on a mission? Why hadn't I waited until I was more mature and sure of myself to come out and tackle such a great work? I wanted to go back to my home in Utah so bad. But I decided to push on trusting that things would get better for me.

As it turned out things did start to get better. Everyday I prayed for help to overcome my weaknesses as a missionary, I studied my scriptures, and then I went out and worked. At first I noticed no improvement and so I was frustrated with what seemed to be my ineptitude to get better. I was still lousy at everything that I was doing. But the more the weeks progressed the more I began to see changes. Now these changes I was experiencing were really small. So small that I didn't see them come. So small that if I hadn't looked back on the first few days of my mission I would not have able to see any difference.

Some of these small changes that I saw were that I didn't fumble around with my words as much. I had the courage to knock on a door even if I was afraid to do so. I had just a little more confidence in everything I did. All of this happened within the first few weeks of my mission.These changes were an absolute miracle for me. For nineteen years I had been trying to grow up. To see some kind of change in my life that would let me know that I was finally maturing and becoming a new person. Finally in Lakeview I was starting to see real growth.

The secret to this growth as I found out was the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Because of Christ's suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane and upon the cross I am able to change. He suffered all things, He felt all things. My sorrows and my griefs are included in everything that He felt. Because He felt all of those things He has perfect empathy and knows how to help and strengthen me. In return all He asks me to do is believe in Him, to go to church, to read my scriptures, be baptized, and continue to be a good person. It isn't much that He asks for and in return I have received strength and maturity.

Ever since I took my first few steps in Lakeview towards growing I have continued to grow and I've grown a lot. That growth has been in small steps, but I wouldn't have been able to make those steps if it wasn't for my Savior Jesus Christ and the time I spent in Lakeview. I know that anyone can change through Christ that through His Atonement people can grow and become better. Come unto Christ by keeping the commandments and being baptized. Be strengthened by Him. " For [His] yoke is easy and [His] burden is light." (Matthew 11:30)
Lakeview from above.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

God's Love Conquers all Distance

On my mission I have met a lot of fantastic people. I've met people who own cars worth over a quarter of a million dollars, people who own restaurants, people who live in small trailers, and people who barely make it by. In this huge range of of people I've met I have made many friends, friends that I've come to love dearly. Friends who in the end have changed my life and shaped me into who I am now.

Unfortunately as a missionary my time with all the people I meet isn't very long. Sometimes I may be able to spend as long as six or seven months working in an area or I might spend only six weeks. As a missionary though you come to learn that the time spent with these people is always pretty short and ends pretty unexpectedly. I know from personal experience that it can be hard leaving, but every time I'm moved I promise my new friends that I will be back.

Even though all of these good byes are hard for me to say I know it has to be done. I know that I have work to do in a new area. An area where I will make new friends and come to love even more people. But before I leave I always promise those I've come in contact with that  I will be back to see them again someday. I don't know when this reuniting will happen, but I know that someday at the conclusion of my mission I will come back to Oregon and visit it with all the people that I have come to know so well.

And this promise that I make to those I meet applies to more than just them. It also applies to all of my loved ones who have passed on to the other side. One of the things that being on a mission has helped me to see is that separation is not an end, but merely a short time away from loved ones. Because during my life I have lost family members and friends. In fact out here on my mission I lost my Grandma and that loss hit me pretty hard and I still miss my Grandma.

Yet I know that I will see my Grandma again. I know that I have a loving Heavenly Father who has created a plan for all of His children. This plan called the Plan of Salvation shows God's love to each and everyone of us.Central to this plan is the family. God has taught us that families are important in this life and that they will continue on in the next life. There is no way to hear that families are forever and not know how valid this is because love does not end and Christ Himself said, "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." (Mark 10:9)

So just like I know that I'll be able to return and visit all the special people I've met in Oregon I also know I will see all of my family members again and all of my loved ones. I know this is true for everyone. I know that if anyone is to take the time and learn more about God's plan for us that they will come know that families our forever, that God loves us, and that He has provided hope for us through His Son Jesus Christ. I know this all in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.